Published papers
1. Has the ECB’s Monetary Policy Prompted Companies to Invest or Pay Dividends?, Applied Economics, 51 (45), 4920-4938, May 2019 (with Gómez-Puig, M., and Sosvilla-Rivero, S.) (working paper version)
2. Examining QE’s bang for the Buck: Does Quantitative easing reduce credit and liquidity risks and stimulate real economic activity?, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, June 2022 (working paper version)
3. The effects of the BoJ’s ETF purchases on equities and corporate investment, Economic Modelling, December 2023 (working paper version)
4. The impact of the ECB’s PEPP project on the COVID-19-Induced crisis in the corporate bond market, Economics Letters, February 2024 (with Furman, I.) (working paper version)
Working papers
5. Bank of Japan Throws a Curveball: On Yield Curve Control and Corporate Financing (available upon request);
6. Cents and Sensibility: Exploring Non-Proportional Reasoning During Stock Market Declines (available upon request);
7. Measuring the Effect of the ECB’s Quantitative Easing on Corporate Credit Risk (with Gómez-Puig, M., and Sosvilla-Rivero, S., available upon request);
8. An Analysis of QE’s Impact on Corporate Credit Risk in CDS, Equity, and Bond Markets (available upon request).
Work in progress
9. Does QE Reduce Inequality? A heterogenous Analysis of Households and Firms
10. Japan’s Gold Standard During the Meiji Period;